Crush Your Goals

Stop using generic planners that do nothing more than keep track of appointments. The Emerge Leadership Planner was specifically designed to be your 1-on-1 coach on your desk. It will hold you accountable, remind you of what you are supposed to be doing, and keep you encouraged week after week!

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Stop using generic planners that do nothing more than keep track of appointments. Use the Emerge Leadership Planner specifically designed for committed network marketers who are dedicated to planning to succeed in their business!


The Emerge Leadership Planner contains all of the things you need to track to be successful in your business. Your business is a HUGE part of your life. Most planners operate as appointment books, and we have our phones for that. By filling in your planner as it prompts you, the planner will make sure you are focused on the important things in your business and that you are grounded. Just follow the prompts, do your best to plan, and review. If you need help, schedule a strategy session with an Emerge Sales & Leadership Coach as you build your planning skills. 


Make a quick sketch on the most important goals for your business. Plan quarter-by-quarter and know when your big months will be.


All of your months are going to be at the beginning so you can write in important dates and make sure you aren't overcommitted during your kid's birthday month or during your company's convention month. Have reminders also for important tasks that need to be done to keep your business organized.


Keep focused by deciding in advance what success looks like. Keep a daily to-do list and have a full day to write in all of your personal, family, and business commitments. Daily to-do lists are preloaded with important tasks to keep you and your business grounded.


Whatever you measure, grows. What separates the most successful network marketing business owners? They track their progress and aren't afraid to review what is happening in their business. 

The Emerge Leadership Planner has team goals, personal goals, and a place to reflect, review, and adjust. If you are just starting with tracking, only fill out the goals that make sense to you.


Impact comes before income. Set appointment goals and track your progress. Write down your wins to keep you encouraged as you move toward your long-term goals. Use the open space on the right for any additional notes to yourself and view the next 2 months so you know what day things are happening.

What Our Clients Have to Say...

"I love it!! The planner helps me to block out my business hours and keep to them. Every time I block my planner, I make more $$ and stay focused on my business!!!" - Kim Aguirre

"I adore mine. Keeps me on track. Makes me focus on setting successes each week. Helps me plan my goals." - Rachel Strickland

A Word From The Creator

“Our clients over and over would ask which planner I would recommend. I love the Planner Pad for it's daily to-do list, the Passion Planner for it's inspiration and weekly calendar view. But all of these planners required our clients to constantly write in the reminders to plan, review, and execute. And the whole point of a planner is to make planning easier. So we created this planner kind of like a 1-on-1 coach on your desk. We all need accountability and this planner will hold you accountable so you can operate at your best!” -Tasha Smith

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